Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The beginning---where all my craziness started!

The Frist Blog I posted on my Facebook in March 2010------

Well, one day while doing our budget I wondered what else I could cut back on and decided to research homemade cleaning products. After checking out a few websites I found my favorites and bookmarked them. Reading everything I could I made my own list of which ones I would try. Well, making this homemade product lead to making that homemade product and before I knew it I made everything I could possibly find how to make! The internet is a great thing--how did we ever live with out it! Then I put them to the test--I cleaned my house with every product I made and was shocked to find the things I made cleaned as good if not better than the things I bought at Walmart! And to think all the money I have spent on making my house clean and smell good and it really doesn't cost that much to make myself!

So far we have spent a little over $100 but of course that is start up cost--maintaining cost will be far less.
So our dependence on Walmart is depleting!
We get our shampoo, conditioner, body wash and lotions from a wonderful women who makes all natural products--her website is www.bassfarms.com ---Her stuff last longer and works better than anything at walmart!

Next our meat--we discovered a new natural whole food store on Central Ave that sells Organic Grain Feed Beef. Which led me to BrothersBeef--www.brothersbeef.com -- they sell beef that was Grain Feed and allowed to graze the fields like cows were meant to. There are no hormones, steroids or antibiotics used. The meat is healthier and leaner. We have watched lots of documentaries on the cruel and unhealthy treatment of our beef that is being sold in grocery stores around the world and restaurants. Ever noticed the girls are getting younger and younger and their bodies are maturing at a fast pace--could it be the hormones in our beef? I am so glad Columbus, IN has farmers that give a hoot! And if you must eat meat people it is your responsibility to eat Happy Cows!

And guess what else, that leads me to Organic Milk--will this ever stop! Do you know what is really in the milk that you buy at the store because I have no clue! But Walmart does offer Organic Milk so for that I will continue shopping--not to mention their Organic frozen lunch food options the offer!

So, by this summer I would like to have all meat in my house to have come from local organic farmers. I will go to the local farmers market to buy my fresh produce until my own home grown have come in and maybe I will try to can this fall! Have I mentioned we are now beginner Composters? Yes it is true, Talisa and Duste are going back in time! I may have gone off the Hippie Deep end but I think my body will thank me!

The Ranting Continues..........Part 2 (What is behind all the Craziness!!)

Hello again!

I have made two more homemade products--mouthwash and shaving cream! Finally I found a use for the handheld electric mixer! ( I mash taters with a hand masher) I am in love with all the homemade products--it is fast, easy and cheap! CHEAP!

Ok, so you want to know the reasoning behind all this craziness--I am all for eco friendly things. I get it we need to be good to the earth but add that to saving me money and I am all in! I feel I would be more crazy to not want to save the earth and a little money! And I admit I like things that are fast and easy--the reason I do not make my own lotions, body wash and shampoo--so all these things I have made are just that fast and easy!

So, why did I start on this journey you ask, because I want to save money silly! I am all about saving all the money I can because like most of the time I have a plan! If I could spend less money then I could work less which means I will be happier--see it is a win win situation!

I have been working on our budget now for over a year to get things paid off as fast as possible. At first the pays offs came in a few short months now we are working on the larger debts and the payoffs take a little longer. By next month I will have my credit card debt paid off, then on to the heating and air debt. (we had to buy a new furnace and central air in 2009) That will be paid off in Oct. That is when we start on my student loan. We should have that paid off June-ish 2011. At this point most of my income will be extra every month!

I have battled with the electric and gas company to get my monthly charges down. We have insulated the basement beyond belief and had a wood stove installed. I think my record low on my gas bill has been $12 for the month of December/January! I have unplugged and installed energy efficient everything. We rarely use the air because our windows are lined up just right to get a good breeze through the house and we have ceiling fans in every room!

In the near future Duste wants to have geothermal and Solar Panels installed! That way all our electric will be paid for and the electric company will owe us! It is a great investment and thanks for tax credits you get over half of it back on your taxes! Another Win Win Situation!

See, I have a plan and a goal! My happiness is more important than money and I am so thankful Duste supports me in my craziness!

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