Friday, August 22, 2014

Chronic Illnesses

Chronic active EBV infection

After having several “Mono” infections in High School (2000 and 2002) I found the excessive fatigue still lingering years later. I was diagnosed with “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in 2004. In 2011 my thyroid was checked after a long episode of fatigue accompanied by hair loss. It took about a year to get my thyroid levels where they needed to be but the chronic fatigue would still strike intermediately, combined with joint pain in my toes, wrist and elbows. It wasn’t until I was seen by a new family physician in 2013 I heard the words Chronic EBV.  

The “Mono” bug in my body lays dormant becoming active when I’m sick, stressed or sometimes without any trigger. My symptoms include:
§  Allergies (Heightened, or previously nonexistent)
§  Anxiety (Mild to Severe)
§  “Brain Fog” (Feels as though thoughts are dulled)
§  Brain “Surges” (Similar to a headache, feels like a “shock”)
§  Burning or Tingling Extremities (Mild to Severe)
§  Cold Sweats
§  Decreased Alertness
§  Decreased Libido
§  Decreased or Low Stress Tolerance
§  Depression (sometimes cognitive, controlled)
§  Difficulty Reasoning (Mathematics, decision making, etc.)
§  Excessive Worry
§  Fatigue (Usually very severe)
§  Fever (Usually mild, fluctuates from low to high)
§  Headaches (Mild to Severe)
§  Hostility (Usually very mild, only in thought, not action)
§  Hypersomnia
§  Increased Nasal Buildup
§  Insomnia
§  Irritability
§  Mood Swings (Mild to Severe)
§  Night Sweats
§  Sensitivity to Light (Especially bright light)
§  Sinus Problems (nonexistent or unusually heightened)
§  Sore Joints (Mild to Severe, normally short duration)
§  Sore Muscles (Mild to Severe, sometimes restricting movement)
§  Sore Throat (Normally mild, may be severe, can last for days)

Now let’s compare those symptoms to Low Functioning Thyroid:
Pimples and blackheads
Cracked heels
Brittle nails
Dull hair
Hair loss
Sensitivity to cold
Excessive weight gain
Getting tired easily
Extreme fatigue
Muscle aches and muscle cramps
Muscle stiffness
Inability to carry out the day's tasks energetically
An overall sense of weakness
Feel exhausted very soon
Feel like taking frequent naps
Feel exhausted even after sleeping for long hours.
Lack of sex drive
Concentration problems
Mood swings
easily depressed
Memory loss/foggy memory

I was also diagnosed with Anxiety/ Depression.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms:
·         Constant worrying or obsession about small or large concerns
·         Restlessness and feeling keyed up or on edge
·         Fatigue
·         Difficulty concentrating or your mind "going blank"
·         Irritability
·         Muscle tension or muscle aches
·         Trouble sleeping
·         Sweating, nausea or diarrhea
Depression Symptoms:
·         Difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and making decisions
·         Fatigue and decreased energy
·         Feelings of pessimism
·         Insomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping
·         Irritability, restlessness
·         Loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, including sex
·         Overeating
·         Persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment
·         Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" feelings

Highlighted are the common symptoms between them all. Lovely isn’t it. I never really know where my symptoms are coming from when I have a flare up. I typically start with the thyroid check (if it last long enough and isn’t accompanied by joint pain) with joint pain is typically my CEBV and that typically signals I am getting sick. When I have no desire to or find it hard to get back in the habit of exercising it is typically my depression—which can also be triggered by my lack of energy caused by one of the other ailments. Typically my depression alone is evident by my attitude changes, mostly work triggers this. It is a crazy mess.

I am on Synthroid for my Thyroid and a medication for my Anxiety/Depression.  I take supplements for my weaken immune system and energy levels. I plan on researching and pursuing more support for my Weaken Immune System—which is what I think started this ball of symptoms rolling.

I also exercise in 30-45 minute intervals as this is the optimal length of time it takes for the brain to release Dopamine and Serotonin every day.
To see it all listed here is a little overwhelming to me. I knew a lot of conditions had similar symptoms but never this many.

If you, or someone you know, is suffering for one or all of these please seek professional help first. After you get the symptoms under control then you can start pursuing more natural remedies. I realize that may sound silly to a lot of people but when you are experiencing these symptoms; often it has already been for a long period of time, what you need more than anything at that moment is to “stop” the symptoms to be able to think more clearly.

Undiagnosed Condition:
I am thinking I also have a Hormonal Imbalance. Several things lead me to this conclusion but the main one is the Acne Breakouts I have during my period.

Hormonal Imbalance in Women


Growth of facial hair
Hair loss
Mood swings
Night sweats

Reduced sex drive
Urinary tract infections
Weight gain/weight loss
Yeast infection

This truly is ridiculous how many common symptoms there are. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Hoosiers Unite For Marriage

In the past several months I have been asked to share our love story. Below is a copy of the email from one such inquiry with explanation of how our story will be used. 

Hi Talisa!!

Thank you so much for agreeing to share your story with our campaign. Highlighting personal stories is how we change hearts and minds and explain why marriage matters to all loving and committed couples.

Attached is the story we are hoping to add to our website. We are trying to move fast so please let us know if you approve it as soon as you can.


Kyle Megrath
Marriage Coordinator
Hoosiers Unite for Marriage

Our story will be shared on their website: 

Below is the summary of our story that can be found there:

Hearing the exciting news that Indiana had struck down their marriage ban on June 25, 2014 was more than enough to make Talisa and Duste Eggers leave work early and rush to the county clerk’s office.

Though the couple was already committed to one another, legally filing for a marriage license in Indiana—the state they love—felt like a dream come true.

“We had already had a commitment ceremony last October, and it was a beautiful day,” Talisa said. “We were surrounded by supportive friends and family. It would have been perfect if our marriage had been legal that day, but Indiana still treats us as legal strangers.”

On that day in June, Talisa and Duste happily said their vows to one another again­–this time legally.

“Standing next to Talisa again and telling her that I promise to love and cherish her forever was amazing. I was just in shock that Indiana had stood on the right side of history and was finally going to respect our love for one another,” Duste explained. “If only it would have lasted.”

Mere days later, Governor Mike Pence announced that the state of Indiana would not respect the legal marriages of same-sex couples who wed during the three days of marriage equality. Talisa and Duste were heartbroken, again.

“We share a home and a bank account, but we can’t file taxes jointly because the state does not respect our marriage. I wanted to legally change my last name to reflect Duste’s, and I had to file documents with the court, run ads in the local paper explaining why I wanted to do so, and have a judge approve my name change,” Talisa said. “After over 10 years together, treating us as though we are strangers is upsetting and degrading. We got married–twice–and it is time for Indiana to respect that.”

To Duste and Talisa, Indiana’s refusal to respect their marriage stings the most when they consider their dreams of starting a family.

“Because our marriage isn’t recognized, whoever does not carry our child would have to adopt them. This process is long, difficult and expensive when you are not considered married,” Duste explained. “We just want to bring a child into the world knowing that we have everything that we can to protect them. And if Indiana doesn’t respect our marriage, we can’t do that.”

Talisa and Duste are determined to build a family and live happily in Indiana, but not having the freedom to marry is a constant struggle for the couple.

"It makes things harder, having to constantly wonder ‘what if’ in so many scenarios that legally married couples never have to worry about,” said Talisa. "But we will not put our dreams of having a family and raise our kids in Indiana on hold while the state decides to continue to discriminate against same sex couples. The time for the freedom to marry for all Hoosiers is now.”

Tell Governor Pence that Talisa and Duste’s marriage matters: Sign our petition urging the Governor to recognize Indiana’s legally married same-sex couples.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Christmas in July

I am excited to say I am 90% done with our Christmas Shopping! I have my sweetie left to buy for and two gifts each for the boys!

For the boys we get them three gifts each: one outfit, one educational and one toy. This keeps me in check on the gift giving and expenses.

This year I think we are going to do some preventive care on the truck—limiting our budget for each other. However, knowing the truck is getting the care it needs to last us many years to come is important!

A side note on the financial part of life—we are on target and completely on track for Operation “Debt Pay Off”! 


Stocking up on Freezer meals…

It has been unseasonably cool here in Indiana the past few weeks which may have contributed to my current mood. Every dinner I prepare I also put one aside for the freezer. Currently I have two soups, taco and vegetable beef, and one meatloaf. This week I am making unstuffed cabbage soup and next week veggistrone. After these two soups I will switch over to casseroles.

There is nothing better than having the main dish ready and waiting in the freezer! 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Funny things a 5 year old says….

A Fun conversation in the car—it went like this:

 Keaton: Why do you have a baby bed?

Me: Nene and I are going to have a baby one day, what do you think about that?

Keaton: --silent

Me: do you want us to have a boy or a girl?

Keaton: a boy!

Me: Ewe, another stinky boy!

Keaton: --Laughs and shakes his head yes--

--silence in the back seat—

Keaton: You have a girl dog?

Me:- thinking we have moved on to a new topic- Yes Ivy is a girl and you have Brutus and he is a boy.

Keaton: you and Nene will have two babies!

Me: We will, why is that?

Keaton: Because mommy had a baby in her belly and you and Nene are girls so you will have two babies!

Me: OH!
Attack of the Ants!

We, Nene and I, had the privilege of taking Keaton to his Pre-K open house. When we met his teachers they asked who he had brought with him. At first he didn’t answer, the teacher asked are these your’ Aunts? After some encouragement from NeNe he said NeNe and NawNaw. Confused by this, I spoke up—yes we are his Aunts.

He later informed his mother:
NawNaw said she was an Ant—she’s not a bug!

Keaton’s favorite joke is one he made up himself. It goes:

Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Chicken Bowl!


When asked what a chicken bowl is he responds, as though we should know:

It’s a bowl with a chicken in it, NawNaw!
Keaton announces he doesn't know all his numbers. I encourage him he does, knowing I have heard him count before. He states: No, not those, the other numbers. He then begins trying to say his A B C’s. For a few seconds he starts putting letters together then stops and says:  I can’t know those numbers but I know the other ones, listen!
--starts counting—
