Thursday, November 29, 2012

In the red and seeing red

Just what I need—a doctor to tell me how fat I am, over and over again and it has nothing to do with why I am there. The best part is when they don’t believe how much I do—personal training once a week, Pilates once a week and walking a mile 3xs a week. I am trying and have been since putting on these 20lbs.

 Instead of feeling bad all I can do is fix it.

 My plan is to cut back on the sugar in our cool aide until we can drink it sugarless. Then I will make the transition from sugar free cool aide to water. I am also going to limit the amount of pop I drink like I used to. First I will start with only one a day, then one every other day to either one a week or if needed two a week then one a week. Snacks are my next big hurdle. I really need to control the amount of snacks I eat at work. Candy really needs to be limited and back to 100cal snacks. Next is the frequency--if I could take my two snacks down to one and then hopefully none that would be great. Next up is snacking at night. There will be no more of that. To keep this from tempting me, I will no longer stock the pantry with my favorites. I have saved the hardest for last—my quantity of food. This is the hardest because you are completely miserable while your stomach shrinks but once it does it is easy!

So, that is my plan— with good intentions. We will see how far I get this time.

 I must admit the cold weather makes me crave the bad stuff and late night snacking. So this time of year is going to make it a little harder…

One step at a time….

1 comment:

  1. what about sugar free tea? just a friendly sugestion from someone who loves you and thinks your sexy...not fat.
