Monday, September 8, 2014

Change of Doctors

The doctor I have been seeing left the office I have been visiting. She has taken a job with a different office closer to her home. However, I am left where I am with a new doctor because they offer a Sliding Fee for the short time I will be without Insurance. The new doctor is young and treats me like I am crazy. She would not listen to anything I had to say about my concerns of Hormonal Imbalance. Instead she kept repeating that only woman going through menopause have this problem and clearly I was too young for that. When I explained why I thought this she kept interrupting me with the above statement. After several back and forth’s she agreed to test me.

Today I get a call about my test results—my thyroid test results. It seems the doctor only requested a thyroid test. Good news, I am right in the middle of normal. But she decided not to test for hormonal imbalance.

For some reason I do not think it is going to work out with me and this new doctor.

I did visit my local health food store and found an awesome supplement for Immune Support. It is Irwin Naturals Immuno-Shield. I take it twice a day, after breakfast and lunch, for my up-keep with the ability to go up to 6 a day when I get sick. I have been on it a week tomorrow and so far I feel great!

Despite the setback and unwilling to comply with my request I know any issues with Hormonal Imbalance I may or may not have will be discovered in October when I go to see a specialist. Until then, I will continue with what I am doing!